Monday, April 14, 2008

Big Happenings

Hello--We are still here...just a little's some highlights of all our excitement over the past two weeks...(I've divided it by person)
Robbie graduated with a Certificate in Biblical Studies from Graham Bible College last week. We are all so proud of Daddy!!! He's worked so hard and done so well. Congratulations!!! These are pictures from the banquet where he was recognized.

Will has all kinds of new tricks...Here he is holding his head up :-)Here he is reading... Here he is admiring his tall Daddy and wondering if it might be time to eat again...

And here he is in his tribute to Payne Stewart and helping us cheer for Tiger and Zach in The Masters...
RuthAnne has been spending lots of time outside these days and learning to work with she is helping Daddy plant our Easter flower and "mow" the lawn (please note that the blade was NOT engaged)...

Here she just ate her chilli beans (do they grow out of this messy-eater stage?)

And here she is modeling GrandBob's glasses (a favorite activity!)
Okay, I think that pretty much catches up our pictures. Hope you enjoy!

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