Friday, February 22, 2008

Grateful for Grandmothers

Well, this week we have received all kinds of help from all the Grandmothers yet again! And we are so grateful...RuthAnne particularly has been excited for some extra grandparent time! Today, after I finished vacuuming the kitchen this is what I found:
RuthAnne was all dressed up like this and standing at the front door telling me that she was going to Nana and GrandBob's. :-)

And yesterday GrandMama came over to help me take RA to get a haircut, of which she was in DESPERATE need! Here are a couple pictures of her new do.


Nae and Clara said...

Love those first couple of pics - she'd fit right in at our house. Mya said, "RuthAnne is playing dress up."

E.S. said...

What an impressive ensemble RuthAnne. It even matches!! (The pink part) :)
Love Ya!
Auntie Emma